How Do People Think When You Failed On Your Exam?

Sameer Gairhe
2 min readJun 24, 2021

Basically, We meet lots of people around some of them are successful, some are trying to be successful and some are still figuring out where the hell did I mess things up.

If you are studying in class 10,11 or 12, you entered your teenage and you are just improvising your mind more and more. People will just judge based on the subject you choose. If you select “Science” on your +2 then in the context of Nepal, The mind will directly think that they are talented or more successful in/her studies, and for other subjects, people just judge them. They will think “Management or another subject will end up doing some random low-income jobs and become less successful than the other students who choose science.”

I took “Science” on my +2 and passed it too, but I know that I didn't take it on my own decision. I didn't mean that my family forced me(haha) but their emotional failure forced me to choose Science. Now I am currently studying engineering. And I noticed one thing if I am jumping on something like this I could have more focused on my studies since +2 level because being an engineer I can't be an average student.

Can you just pass me one thing? Your prestige? That is how it feels when someone says Engineering is easy.

Yeah, a matter of fact that we do live in the same society, and someone’s son is holding a beer with his bike’s key and another one holding a bag, a beer, and his room key.

Short note: An Engineer is much more talented than a Doctor ……….

